
  • Lifestyle,  Money Saving Tips,  Planning

    Ready to buy a home?

    By Crystal Marie Things you need to know before buying a home. The first thing you need to think about before purchasing a home is can you afford it? What is your debt to income ratio? Do you have any money saved for a down payment? What is your credit score? These are just a few things to think about before buying a home. You can look at your credit score through different sites. I find one that comes close to my actual credit score is credit Karma. It lets me see everything that I owe, how long I’ve had my credit cards for, and my debt ratio. This includes…

  • Food,  Lifestyle,  Planning,  Travel

    Birthday Road Trip!

    The first road trip I ever took as an adult, began a few days before my birthday. I had never really traveled anywhere as an adult. I have however experienced a multitude of road trips as a child and teenager but never one as an adult. A few weeks before my birthday, I made a decision that if at all possible, I would travel as often as I could. I spoke with my sister about traveling, as she is in college and depending on the semester will sometimes take online classes instead of in person. One of the first things we did, was decide where we wanted to travel. After…