Money Saving Tips

  • Money Saving Tips

    Save over $1,000 in 30 Days

    Saving money is not always easy, here are a few steps you can take to get over $1,000 into your bank account quickly. You’ll need envelopes or anything that you may have at hand. You don’t need to spend money to save money, the important part is to get started. You’ll want to get envelopes. I used pastel colored envelopes, I numbered the envelopes, $10, $15, $25, $35, $45, $55, & $65. You’ll repeat these for the entire 30 days you’re saving. You’ll be entering the amount on the envelope on a daily basis. Day 1 save $5 Day 2 save $10 Day 3 save $15 Day 4 save $25…

  • abundance bank banking banknotes
    Money Saving Tips,  Planning

    Life changing way to Save $1000’s of Dollars in One Year

    Are you tired of not having money in your savings account? If you have a hard time saving money, you’re like many people around the world. Sometimes you may not notice how much money you spend on coffee a week or spend on buying lunch during your break. I learned to save money by putting money away every week. If I’m willing to spend money on coffee than what I spend on that coffee is also what I put away towards my savings. Many people can leave it in their bank account. However, I am not one of them. What has helped me save money is putting it away in…

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  • Lifestyle,  Money Saving Tips,  Planning

    Ready to buy a home?

    By Crystal Marie Things you need to know before buying a home. The first thing you need to think about before purchasing a home is can you afford it? What is your debt to income ratio? Do you have any money saved for a down payment? What is your credit score? These are just a few things to think about before buying a home. You can look at your credit score through different sites. I find one that comes close to my actual credit score is credit Karma. It lets me see everything that I owe, how long I’ve had my credit cards for, and my debt ratio. This includes…